Embedded Systems constitute the widest possible use of Industrial computer systems. They include all computers specifically intended as special-purpose computers. They are identified
by their functions. The majority of commercial Embedded Motherboard systems are designed to perform selected functions. These systems have to overcome resource constraints and system specifications. These systems meet their real-time constraints with a combination of special purpose hardware and software custom-developed to cope with the system requirements. The embedded processor chip has the freedom to determine the data route , handle graphics and animation requirements and almost the entire functionalities of the device in which it is embedded. This allows the architecture of an embedded system to be simple and straight forward.
For embedded systems, a real-time operating system is very essential to enable it to work efficiently within the resources parameters. The software’s specially developed for embedded hardware systems, Programs on an embedded system often run with real-time constraints with limited hardware resources. The embedded system must have the unique quality and functionality of being able to restart itself even if catastrophic data corruption has taken place.
Specially Designed for a multitude of applications and different Operating Systems, the Cor Brick and EcoSys Embedded Systems are flexible, compact and rugged to withstand different industrial environments where reliability, consistency and thermal constraints are imperative.